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Dr. Arlene Introduces:

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Ignite Unparalleled Success


The Right Fit Controls and Standards Must Rule

Founded in 1754, Columbia University Burns their Brand

Delay, Indecision, Denial destroyed their credibility!



Eliminate Erroneous Assumptions

Prevent Perilous Consequences

With Dr. Arlene


Dr. Arlene Introduces:

Eliminating Erroneous Assumptions

Igniting The Fit Right Matches

Jane Fonda, John Williams, and Steven Spielberg

Carol Burnett, Dick Van Dyke

At age 98, Dick Van Dyke accepted an Emmy Award in 2024!

Queen Elizabeth

WIN Without Competing Woman!





Amazon Reviews

Review of WIN Without Competing! Career Success the Right Fit Way
By Donna R. Gore, M.A.

Are you weary of the same old thing on your journey to your career? Whether you're unemployed, underemployed or looking for new challenges, "WIN Without Competing!," authored by educational psychologist Dr. Arlene Barro, may be the key to your professional and personal success.

"WIN Without Competing!" is a valuable resource book that provides a much needed service to the reader. It is a step by step process in which the candidate clearly identifies himself/herself, finding a Core Identity and devises a blueprint to match skills, abilities, training and experience to specific criteria rather than competing with the masses. You will become familiar with terms such as "Right Fit," "Package to Pitch", "Selling Your Brand" etc. These terms come to life as you move through the process.

Dr. Barro skillfully debunks the long held myths of the employer-employee relationship, and illustrates the dos and don'ts through many personal stories. She acts as the reader, poses and answers questions throughout with clarity. Using graphics, repetition and reminders, readers begin to see a new way of proceeding.

The reader begins to realize the faulty assumptions. I know having read all of those vague internet HR postings that they indeed may not know whom they are looking for. Taking the best of the first ten applicants does not give you credit for your talents and it forces one to try to be "square peg in a round hole." Do you really want that? Do you really want just any old job? I dare say, in this economy, maybe yes... but not for the long term. You... are better than that. I know I am!

Herein lays the opportunity and the challenge to take that vague notion and turn it into a career opportunity. Do not let the HR person deter you if do not "fit their mold." Go around them, above them, talk, talk, talk to others by phone via networking with everyone, making friends with key people that can give you the leads to potential job opportunities.

I discovered Dr. Barro's book following nearly a year of intense searching in my goal to relocate to Southern California several months ago. Despite my multiple talents, I was "doing all of the right things" using traditional methods, was smart enough to spot the gimmicks, but still was one in the sea of adjective filled resumes and faxes that didn't really say who I was or what I wanted. Dr. Barro helped me see the error of my ways quickly, for she truly has written the most practical and readable book in the field.

Although it is the electronic age filled with technology, the nuts and bolts of it is that you have to really communicate personally to build those relationships the old fashioned way. This includes hand written thank you notes. Yes, e-mail and internet research has its place in the process, as well as a cool media player audio customized interview if you choose, used to enhance the true you beyond the resume.

However, you must distinguish yourself personally without gimmicks, or risk turning off the right people while unknowingly forging ahead impulsively on the wrong path.

Can you be successful with just the book alone? I would say you can, particularly, if finances are limited. However, to experience Dr. Barro in action working personally for you and with you is worth the investment and helps immensely to further your journey.

This is not a "quick fix" scenario. It takes ambition, commitment, patience creativity and a willingness to be open, as well as a positive attitude. Rome wasn't built in a day...and neither was California (my destination).

Dr. Barro is personable and allows you to use the breadth of her experience to your advantage. She is easy to converse with. Her websites offer a wide array of educational resources and tutorials free of charge to keep you motivated in her quest to assist others. Her multi-dimensional role as CEO of barro global search, inc., an experienced career coach, talk show host, motivational speaker and author keeps her on the cutting edge.

I am one of the fortunate few, as a Master's level professional person with a stable job in New England, however, it takes courage and lots of energy to make the needed changes in these uncertain economic times, as it does for the unemployed. Although my search is still in progress, I feel that Dr. Barro has put me on the right path to the Right Fit. She will continue to guide me to success.

Dr. Arlene Barro, The Master Coach
By David Belle-Isle, PhD

Dr. Barro's "Win Without Competing" leads you into the inner game of personal development with the precision of a choreographer and the wisdom of a master coach.

As a human resource executive, in a critical and protracted career transition, I have engaged Dr. Barro as my coach. Our journey together has been the source of very meaningful gifts...learning how to clarify and embrace my unique career blueprint, affirming my core identity and teaching me how to identify and challenge those faulty assumptions that can get in the way of achieving continued growth and success.

You owe it to yourself to read this book...just know that it evokes an inner call for the courage to take a new look at yourself and learn who you are NOW and how to find the Right Fit for the future.

The result will be renewed emotional and physical energy that will enable you to play and win at your own game.

Winning Without Intimidation
By Dan Marcus

It's a dog-eat-dog world. Only the fittest deserve to survive. And you can indeed win through intimidation.

If anyone could be expected to attest to the above, it would be a corporate headhunter--which brings us to a new book with the unexpected title of "Win Without Competing" by Arlene Barro, Ph.D, a prominent search consultant, career coach, and educational psychologist. At first glance, the book would appear to belong in the "Warm and Fuzzy Self-Help Section" of your friendly neighborhood mega-bookstore. Well, Barro does convey warmth, but there's nothing fuzzy about her. She possesses the mien of a caring but uncompromising commander sending her clients into battle.

She minces no words about the sometimes cutthroat nature of the job market; she'd be the first to warn of snakes in the tall grass. There are no mantras here, no clicking of ruby slipper heels--only solid strategy peppered with no-nonsense aphorisms.

But, as implied by its title, the book is built on a fundamental paradigm shift. Barro's stated mission is to steer her readers to what she terms the "flawless fit"--the job and career for which one is uniquely suited. And when this concept is broken down to a molecular level of specificity, when a perfect DNA match is attained between the job-seeker and the job, it can be concluded with an almost scientific degree of accuracy that there is no real competition involved. The match by definition is symmetrical--not only must the individual fit the requirements of the job, but the job must fit the requirements of the individual.

To know where to look for your own flawless fit, you need to know precisely what it means for you. Thus, attaining a clear-sighted understanding of your core self is the first step on the journey. This quest for self-knowledge is nothing new--witness the teachings of Lao-Tzu, the meditations of Marcus Aurelius, the writings of Thoreau. Barro stands squarely in this timeless tradition, but presents it from a modern, practical perspective. Included throughout "Win Without Competing" are revealing checklists and personal surveys she's developed in her years of coaching clients.

One possible outcome of this personal assessment is the realization that you're not meant to be an employee at all--some of us, by nature, are entrepreneurs. Barro convincingly demonstrates that the principle of flawless fit also applies flawlessly in such instances.

Key to the strategic aspects of job search or entrepreneurship is what Barro calls "managing the process." She presents a detailed discussion of how to take charge and avoid succumbing to the obstacles and turbulence you're bound to encounter on the road to success, covering such matters as email communications, resumes, initial discussions and final negotiations--even what kind socks not to wear to an interview (a true-life cautionary tale shows how such a seemingly minor detail can determine the difference between getting the job and not).

Then Barro goes a step further and reveals a surprising reality: in many instances, the hiring company itself is unclear about what it's looking for. This presents an additional opportunity for the job-seeker to manage the process by presenting the prospective employer with options which could be to their mutual advantage. Here, as in its other sections, the book abounds with invaluable nuts and bolts advice.

The final chapter extends the discussion of flawless fit to encompass personal relationships and life in general. But for the attentive reader, the entire book serves as a road map for finding one's place in the world. "Win Without Competing" is a tangible example of its own title. It's bound to be a flawless fit for anyone committed to meaningful personal success.

Win With This Book
By Thomas G. Lombardo

If you're in the market to switch jobs or careers--or if you're on the other side of the table, doing the hiring--this book is a MUST READ. "Win Without Competing" Author and Search Consultant Dr. Arlene Barro has developed a revolutionary approach that exploits her experience at fitting the right people into the right positions. That is, the one
person best suited for the job.

And when I say right people or right positions, I mean perfect. Like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that fit snuggly and smoothly together.

Dr. Barro has taken the guess work out of the search. Her savvy insight in placing perfect candidates means that her goal is to achieve a match made in HR heaven.

The pages of "Win Without Competing" are filled with the stories of people who have succeeded with Dr. Barro's The Right Fit Method. Her method is explained in easy to follow, bulleted pages. Dr. Barro's holds your hand throughout the process of the search, step-by-step, through her stories, her charts, her checklists. But the most fun was reading the anecdotes of real people.

The bio of the author notes that Arlene Barro, Ph.D., founder and president of the executive search and coaching firm barro global search, inc., who makes her living by being an angel on behalf of sparklingly competent candidates and a breath of fresh air to the employers looking for them.

Holistic Approach to Career Management
By Steven K. Szmutko

WIN WITHOUT COMPETING offers sound career management advice for MBAs as well as others seeking to take a more thoughtful and holistic approach. It flows methodically, yet Dr. Barro's stories and humor enable the reader to embrace the principles contained therein. The text and principles are interspersed with exercises similar to many of
the things found in career services. The focus is on differentiating yourself sufficiently so that you find the "Right-Fit" rather than engaging in endless competitive job searches.

Dr. Barro's book, released in 2007, examines career management from a whole-life perspective combining a methodical approach within a holistic framework. After an overview of the "Right-Fit" way, she begins with the importance of self-assessment, then branding yourself in order to present the "fit" to potential employers.

The tone of the book is substantive, yet light-hearted with stories and humor to illustrate what could be dry formulaic concepts. The book views her take on career management (and life) as a drama in Four Acts:

Act I Setting the Stage
Act II How the Right-Fit Method Works
Act III Apply the Right-Fit Method
Act IV The Right-Fit Method and You.

The heart of the book is Act II. It begins with self-analysis to discern your "Core Identity," in terms of:
Focus: Profession (One Profession; Concurrent Different Professions;
New Profession)
Function: Setting & Situation (Status; Role; Industry)
Foundation: Passion (Fleeting or Sustained)

As the analysis continues, the reader develops a blueprint for approaching prospective employers and positions, providing a framework for goal setting. Using marketing analogies, Dr. Barro develops the concept of personal branding in terms of marketable transferable skills from the resume building stage through the interview and negotiating process.

Dr. Barro's reinforcement of the career management process as a two-way street (you want to make sure the employer is right for you just as much as the employer makes sure that you are right for them) is something that needs to be reinforced. Finding the right job is more than just compensation. The book combines general ideas and concepts
with concrete and specific suggestions, including: what to bring or not to bring to the interview, how to dress or present yourself, and the importance of the first impression with everyone in the company that you meet.

Later chapters deal with strategies for fixing what's broken, and moving on when required. Finally, the book concludes with the application of her methodology to other areas of life.

It is certainly a book that I would recommend to someone serious about their career management.

A Career Book Page Turner
By Deborah Shlian

Finally, a career book that focuses on "play your own game" rather than trying to outsmart your competition. According to Dr. Barro's Right Fit Method, there is no external competition. The only person you will compete with is yourself. Barro explains her method in an engaging, compassionate, and entertaining style. She entwines real people telling their own personal stories, coupled with her own anecdotes and interactive materials to convey her step-by-step system. I loved her style. It's hard to believe that a career book could be a page turner but that's an apt description of WIN Without Competing! which is a one of a kind in its genre. I highly recommend this book for employees and entrepreneurs who are searching for new solutions at any stage in their lives. It's always the right time to learn how to
"win without competing" to succeed in your professional and personal life.

Dr. Barro's book is the new "Career-Seekers Bible."
By Tiffany L. Calhoun

Dr. Barro's book will help anyone-hiring or looking to be hired-find the right fit. She really goes step-by-step to lead you to success. Her book helped me to really understand who I am in my career and how I can use my skills to improve myself in my current job! She teaches you to ask some hard questions about who you are (and who you want to
hire), but ultimately all that hard work pays off in a very rewarding career! Her book is a 'must have' for any career minded individual.

This Doctor Makes Career Calls!
By Bill Gubbins

I've read more than a few of these in my day and I must say that Dr. Barro's book is one of the very best. Lucid, no-nonsense advice that will help you with your career--and your life.

Invest in your future: buy this book
By Marc Kusinitz

If you're convinced that lightening will strike and you'll fall into the job of a lifetime without your having to lift a finger, then this book isn't for you. But if you live in the real world and have to depend on your intelligence, talent, and wits to get that next great job, then invest in your future: buy this book. "Win Without Competing" author Arlene Barro takes you step by step through a winning strategy for leaving the harrowing world of job competition behind. When you follow Arlene Barro's strategy you won't be wasting time looking out for the competition because you'll be too busy crafting your resume so it literally sings out your accomplishments; and preparing for winning interviews that convince employers that you are the only candidate they need to talk to. The job is yours. How does she do this? She teaches you to define your core identity--competencies, personality, and goals; develop your personal brand, pitch that brand, manage the interview process to keep it focused on how perfectly you fit into the position, and set a standard that no other candidate can compete with. And how does Arlene succeed in doing this for you? Invest in your future: buy this book and see for yourself. You've got one life to live. How much is it worth to you to succeed? The cost of a book?

Great Career Preparation
By Barbara E. McAnnany

I am currently a college student, and am on my way to entering the world of careers. Although I don't know exactly what type of career I would like to pursue after college, this book was an excellent help in preparing me for future job hunting, resume writing, and interviewing. After I graduate, I will use this book as a reference for everything to do with my job search. Dr. Barro has a great way of directly telling the how-to's of finding a job that is right for just you. I very highly recommend it.

Los Angeles, CA (barro global search, inc.) April 21, 2009. Founder and CEO Dr. Arlene Barro conducted a nationwide search to find the Right Fit Winner who has been unemployed for six or more months, not read Dr. Arlene’s book WIN Without Competing! Career Success the Right Fit Way nor listened to her radio show. The failed job search strategies of the winner include blasting resumes from Burbank to Bombay. The winner represents the millions of unemployed who are using the same ineffective strategies. Long term unemployment is the result. It’s time to stop taking the Shotgun Road with no destination and switch to the Right Fit Road and hear “You’re Hired.”

In our current economic situation both employees and entrepreneurs should be ready to implement the Right Fit Method in case the ax should fall. New grads entering the workplace with few or no accomplishments need a new way to find a job.

To select the winner, barro global search, inc. did not compare and contrast contestants to identify the best. Instead, we focused on finding one unemployed person who matched the Blueprint of the Right Fit. Wondering why the winner is the Right Fit not the Best?

The Winner
Nat Bothwell, MBA: The Winner of the 2009 Right Fit Award is 38 years old, a bank employee for 12 years after receiving his MBA, who was given two hours notice before losing his job on May 9, 2008 as the corporate Executive Vice President of Marketing of ANB Bancshares in Bentonville, Arkansas, one of the first banks in the country to close its doors, which included 12 locations. At its peak, the Bank had 2+ billion in assets.

Nat is not only searching for the Right Fit Job but also could be searching for the Right Fit spouse or significant other. He lives with his four-year-old dog Tanner who is a Rhodesian Ridgeback.

The Winner WINS
Wednesday, April 22 at 5pm PDT On the WIN Without Competing! show featured on BlogTalkRadio, Dr. Arlene will coach Nat live on how to implement her Right Fit Method (he will be able to apply the Method to find the Right Fit spouse or significant other too) and walk with him down the Right Fit Road. It is up to Nat to change his behavior and get himself ready to hear “You’re Hired.” Dr. Arlene and her listeners will follow and encourage Nat on his journey until he succeeds. Then barro global search, inc. will name Nat the WIN Without Competing! Man and present him with an engraved gift with his new title. From that point forward the phrase “Remember Nat” will remind job seekers to use the Right Fit Method and WIN.

How to Listen to the Show
To Listen Live on Wednesday, April 22 at 5pm PDT:
Call 347-308-8200
Go directly to the show.

To Listen Archived (Available on April 22 at 7pm PDT or after):
Go directly to the show.

About Dr. Arlene Barro
WIN Without Competing! is the life mantra of Arlene R. Barro, PhD, a UCLA-trained educator, educational psychologist and a nationally recognized search consultant and career coach. Dr. Arlene’s Right Fit Method, the subject of her book WIN Without Competing! (Foreword by Tom Lombardo, Founding Editor-in-Chief, WebMD), nominated for a business book award, is the key to capturing employer attention and hearing “You’re Hired.”

Creator of the Right Fit Method
Arlene R. Barro, PhD 310-443-4277

Winner of the 2009 Right Fit Award
Nat Bothwell, MBA 479-903-1739

Please arrange interviews for Thursday, April 23 or after.

Disclosing Name of Job Seeker who WINS the

2009 Right Fit Award

Job Seeker WINS the 2009 Right Fit Award!

An Invitation to Listen to the Winner

You are cordially invited to attend Dr. Arlene Barro’s live on air coaching session of the Winner of the 2009 Right Fit Award on her WIN Without Competing! Show, featured on BlogTalkRadio, Wednesday, April 22nd at 5pm PDT. The winner’s name will not be disclosed until the day of the show.

To Listen Live
Call 347-308-8200
Go directly to the show.

To Listen Archived
Go directly to the show.

About the Contest
Barro global search, inc. of which Dr. Arlene is the founder and CEO conducted a nationwide contest to find the Right Fit Winner who has been unemployed for six or more months, not read WIN Without Competing! nor listened to the show. The failed job search strategies of the winner include blasting resumes from Burbank to Bombay. The winner represents the millions of unemployed who are using the same ineffective strategies.

To select the winner, barro global search did not compare and contrast contestants to identify the best. Instead, we focused on who matched the Blueprint of the Right Fit.

Dr. Arlene and the listeners of her show will follow and encourage the winner until he or she hears “You’re Hired.” And then…

Eager to learn more? At 9am PDT or after on April 22nd visit...


Listen to Dr. Arlene coaching the winner LIVE!

The winner of the WIN Without Competing! Contest will be Dr. Arlene's guest on her BlogTalkRadio show Wednesday April 22nd at 5pm PDT.

Here are the qualifications of the winner who is currently unemployed:
1. Chronically unemployed or unemployed for six months or more: needs to know how to find a new job
2. Did not read Dr. Arlene’s book WIN Without Competing! Career Success the Right Fit Way
3. Believes that years of experience significantly impacts hiring
4. Blasts resumes from Burbank to Bombay: needs new career advice
5. Makes few, if any, cold calls in pursuit of a new position: needs phone interview strategies
6. Has difficulty getting interviews: needs to take charge
7. Not called back for a second interview: needs successful interview strategies
8. Unable to close the deal and hear “You’re Hired”
9. Willing to share personal stories publicly and has strong verbal communication skills
10. Searching for new strategies to use to find a position, not a job, and eager to learn.

Dr. Arlene will demonstrate during her WIN Without Competing! Show featured on BlogTalkRadio Wednesday April 22nd at 5pm PDT how her Right Fit Method works, create a personalized plan to search for the Right Fit job, and give the winner her book WIN Without Competing! Career Success the Right Fit Way. Dr. Arlene will follow up the winner and bring that person back after he or she is hired.

Unique Contest: Searching for the Right Fit Guest, Not the Best.
Unemployed for Six Months or More?

Arlene R. Barro, PhD is a UCLA-trained educator, educational psychologist, and a nationally recognized WIN Without Competing! published by Capital Books, Inc. in the United States and by Macmillan Ltd. in India. WIN Without Competing! was nominated for a business book award.

Los Angeles, CA (barro global search, inc.) February 19, 2008 -- Dr. Arlene Barro is searching for one Right Fit Guest to coach on her radio show WIN Without Competing! featured on BlogTalkRadio.

Here’s a Blueprint of the Right Fit Guest:
1. Chronically unemployed or unemployed for six months or more: needs to know how to find a new job
2. Did not read Dr. Arlene’s book WIN Without Competing! Career Success the Right Fit Way
3. Believes that years of experience significantly impacts hiring
4. Blasts resumes from Burbank to Bombay: needs new career advice
5. Makes few, if any, cold calls in pursuit of a new position: needs phone interview strategies
6. Has difficulty getting interviews: needs to take charge
7. Not called back for a second interview: needs successful interview strategies
8. Unable to close the deal and hear “You’re Hired”
9. Willing to share personal stories publicly and has strong verbal communication skills
10. Searching for new strategies to use to find a position, not a job, and eager to learn.

Do you match the Blueprint of the Right Fit Guest and want to be coached on Dr. Arlene’s show for 45 minutes to one hour? Here’s what to do:
• Learn more about Dr. Arlene.
• Create a voicemail pitch in which you target the numbered points in the Blueprint. Note that all points are not equally weighted. See if you can figure out what to emphasize.
• Call Dr. Arlene’s direct line 310-443-4277 between 9pm and 9am Pacific Standard Time and leave your voicemail pitch. Be sure to include your phone number, the city and state in which you live, and when you can be reached. ALL VOICEMAIL PITCHES MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN FRIDAY APRIL 17, 2009 BY 9AM PST.

Selecting the Right Fit Guest
Dr. Arlene will listen to each voicemail pitch and determine who matches the Blueprint. She will not compare and contrast searching for the “best.” To make the final decision, Dr. Arlene will call to speak with those who are potentially the Right Fit and make a decision. If no one is the Right Fit, no guest will be selected.

The Right Fit Guest Will WIN:
• 45 minutes to 1 hour of free coaching on Dr. Arlene’s WIN Without Competing! Show featured on BlogTalkRadio which will give you worldwide exposure and will be archived on BlogTalkRadio
• A link to the show and a personalized button to post on a web page
• Appearances on iTunes, the WIN Without Competing! Blog, LearnOutLoud, Myspace, Dr. Arlene’s Amazon Blog, and DrBarro.com.
• A signed copy of WIN Without Competing! which presents the Right Fit Method step by step to enable the reader to march down the Right Fit Road and Hear “You’re Hired”

If you match the specs of the Right Fit Guest, write your pitch right now and call Dr. Arlene immediately at 310-443-4277.

To learn more about Dr. Arlene visit http://www.winwithoutcompeting.com/author/about.html. To listen to the show go to http://www.drbarro.com or http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Dr-Arlene-Barro-. Recent guests include Tom Lombardo, the Founding Editor-in-Chief of WebMD; Patti Rager, RN, MSN, MBA, Former Chairman, President and Publisher of Nursing Spectrum/NurseWeek (a Gannett Company, Inc. publisher of USA Today); and Grace Tiscareno-Sato, Senior Global Marketing Manager of Unified Communications with the Siemens Enterprise Communications Group.

Emails will be responded to from the media only, not from potential Right Fit Guests: drbarro@winwithoutcompeting.com or call Dr. Arlene at 310-443-4277.

barro global search, inc.
10940 Wilshire Blvd.

Suite 1600

Los Angeles, CA 90024

Unique Contest: Did You Read WIN Without Competing!, Use the Right Fit Method, and Hear “You’re Hired”?
Searching For the Right Fit Guest, Not the Best

Arlene R. Barro, PhD is a UCLA-trained educator, educational psychologist, and a nationally recognized search consultant and career coach. Dr. Barro is the founder and CEO of LA-based barro global search, inc. She is the creator of the Right Fit Method and the author of WIN Without Competing! published by Capital Books, Inc. in the United States and by Macmillan Ltd. in India. WIN Without Competing! was nominated for a business book award.

Los Angeles, CA (barro global search, inc.) February 20, 2008 -- Dr. Arlene Barro is searching for one Right Fit Guest to appear on her radio show WIN Without Competing! featured on BlogTalkRadio and share how using the Right Fit Method was the tipping point to hear “You’re Hired.”

Here’s a Blueprint of the Right Fit Guest:
1. Hired within the last 12 months
2. Read Dr. Arlene’s book WIN Without Competing! Career Success the Right Fit Way
3. Adopted the no competition mindset
4. Implemented step-by-step the key components of the Right Fit Method including: Make No Assumptions, Set the Standard, Shape Your Brand to show you’re the Right Fit, Sell Your Brand using Pick, Probe, and Pitch, Share Your Brand by Managing the Process, and use the Calculated Close to Finish the Deal. Ideally, show you are The Total Package which is the Flawless Fit!
5. Believes that the implementation of the Right Fit Method is a significant factor in finding, getting, and keeping the new job, now viewed as a position.
6. Willing to share personal stories publicly and has strong verbal communication skills

Do you match the Blueprint of the Right Fit Guest and want to share your story on Dr. Arlene’s show?
Here’s what to do:
• Listen to the WIN Without Competing! Show with Dr. Arlene at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Dr-Arlene-Barro- or http://www.drbarro.com/
• Create a voicemail pitch in which you target the numbered points in the Blueprint. Note that all points are not equally weighted. See if you can figure out what to emphasize.
• Call Dr. Arlene’s direct line 310-443-4277 between 9pm and 9am Pacific Standard Time and leave your voicemail pitch. Be sure to include your phone number, city and state in which you live and when you can be reached. ALL VOICEMAIL PITCHES MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN FRIDAY APRIL 17, 2009, BY 9AM PST.

Selecting the Right Fit Guest
Dr. Arlene will listen to each voicemail pitch and determine who matches the Blueprint. She will not compare and contrast searching for the “best.” To make the final decision, Dr. Arlene will call to speak with those who are potentially the Right Fit and make a decision. If no one is the Right Fit, no guest will be selected.

The Right Fit Guest will WIN:
• The opportunity to share worldwide his/her career story in a 45 minute to one hour live telephone conversation with Dr. Arlene on BlogTalkRadio and will be archived on BlogTalkRadio
• A link to the show interview and a personalized button to post on website
• Appearances on iTunes, the WIN Without Competing! Blog, LearnOutLoud, Myspace, Dr. Arlene’s Amazon Blog, and DrBarro.com.

If you match the specs of the Right Fit Guest, write your pitch right now and call Dr. Arlene immediately at 310-443-4277.

To learn more about Dr. Arlene visit http://www.winwithoutcompeting.com/author/about.html. To listen to the show go to http://www.drbarro.com or http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Dr-Arlene-Barro-. Recent guests include Tom Lombardo, the Founding Editor-in-Chief of WebMD; Patti Rager, RN, MSN, MBA, Former Chairman, President and Publisher of Nursing Spectrum/NurseWeek (a Gannett Company, Inc. publisher of USA Today); and Grace Tiscareno-Sato, Senior Global Marketing Manager of Unified Communications with the Siemens Enterprise Communications Group.

Emails will be responded to from the media only, not from potential Right Fit Guests: drbarro@winwithoutcompeting.com or call Dr. Arlene at 310-443-4277.

barro global search, inc.
10940 Wilshire Blvd.

Suite 1600

Los Angeles, CA 90024

Article from ScrippsNews

When job-hunting, don't apply everywhere

Submitted by SHNS-business and economy
By MARVIN WALBERG, Scripps Howard News Service

UCLA PhD Dr. Arlene Barro, author of "Win Without Competing: Career Success the Right Fit Way," urges job seekers not to be discouraged in the current tough economy.
"Instead of frantically emailing your resume into cyberspace, hoping that someone will find you, start by defining for yourself exactly what your "right fit job" would be -- the one that matches your skills and talents and aspirations, the one for which you are uniquely suited right now -- and then search for that particular job only.
"Forget the competition and focus on yourself," she advises, "setting high standards of performance against which no one else can compete. When we exercise, we continue to raise the bar. In our careers, we need to use the same approach. Compete with yourself, never against others. Frequently, candidates accept wrong fit positions because their focus is on winning, not on selecting the right job."
Barro's top three steps for starting a successful job search include:
Don't flood the Internet with your resume. If you broadcast your availability from Burbank to Bombay, you'll appear desperately mediocre. Who will want to hire you in that case? If you are still employed, using company email to broadcast, your resume could cause immediate firing.
Manage the job interview process. As a candidate, it is your responsibility to present a personal brand to "match" the employer's job description. Listen carefully to what the employer wants, then "match" your appropriate skills.
Don't assume a potential employer knows what they want. If the employer's specs are vague, then you should probe the employer to define the position and match yourself to those specs.
"Win Without Competing" walks readers through the "right fit" process with a perspective from both sides of the hiring desk. Barro is also president and CEO of LA-based Barro Global Search, Inc.
Thank you, Dr. Barro. It's comforting to know that our views on job searching in today's workplace are the same. No one said that looking for a job is easy. It should be the toughest job you ever have, but if you do it thoroughly you'll be demonstrating to prospective employers what kind of job you're capable of when hired.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Feature Article

Is "Overchoice" Obscuring Your Best Candidates?

Suppose we suggested that 75% of your recruiting activity was flat-out wasted and could be eliminated? Would you buck the status quo recruiting system in your organization or would you keep plugging along doing things the traditional way? Here's the equation you've been using until now. Fill in your own numbers.
X resumes = Y potential candidates = Z interviewed candidates = 1 hire
For almost everyone, it's an equation fraught with waste. If you average four interviewed candidates per hire, it produces a maximum of 25% productive effort, and a minimum of 75% "insurance" effort. It doesn't matter whether you're an inside recruiter or an outside recruiter, the ratio is the same. And four interviewed candidates are not a lot for an important position. What's your average? Six candidates? Eight? Ten?

How did the system get this way? Mostly because people like choice. It's fun and interesting. And if they aren't quite sure what they want, it also makes them feel safe. The desire for choice, therefore, begets a system that must provide choice. Supermarkets don't stock 10 kinds of pickles because they like to. They do so because they feel they must. If they don't, a few particular pickle people might shop elsewhere.

Is choice a bad thing? Not necessarily for pickles but it really creates problems for recruiting. Because choice is baked into so many systems, it becomes a surrogate for careful thinking and efficient action. When choice is assumed, hiring managers don't have to be too specific about what they want. Their job descriptions can be fuzzy; their credential demands immoderate (Ivy League degree, 10 years relevant industry experience). They know the system will bail them out, or at least give them "good enough" results. Cursory effort and sloppy thinking on their part will not be penalized.

But the system hammers recruiting. Shelf space for a jar of pickles doesn't cost a lot. But screening and interviewing unnecessary candidates costs a bundle. And it doesn't have to be so. Successful recruiters and inside staffers will confirm this, and so will Arlene Barro, PhD, who has written a book on the subject (see below). Dr. Barro, an educator and educational psychologist, decided some years ago not to play the numbers game. Instead she decided to focus on clients who would commit in advance to detailed job specs and careful thinking about candidate "fit." Her end of the bargain was a commitment to provide a limited number of candidates (frequently only one) who very closely or exactly matched those detailed criteria. That means a tad more work up front to save a lot of work later.

Can it work? Does it work? Yes, the logic (and the math) is compelling. If a couple hours of thoughtful preparation can save dozens of hours of work on the back end by the same people, then everyone benefits because the system becomes more efficient. In other fields it's called planning and there are long-run benefits that outweigh even the considerable immediate cost benefits. A more selective recruiting system increases the chances of good candidate "fit," which results in better on-the-job performance, increased candidate satisfaction and lower turnover. All of that, of course, increases hiring manager satisfaction.

Dr. Barro's Win Without Competing: Career Success the Right Fit Way (Capital Books) is primarily targeted at candidates, who she also coaches, but the planning principles she discusses are of equal benefit to employers. Her website is http://www.WinWithoutCompeting.com.

Best Practices in HR
March 1 2008 www.blr.com Issue 856
Blueprint for Success: How to Select the Right Candidate

Instead of comparing candidates and selecting the “best” among them, employers should create a “blueprint” for each position and select a candidate that matches the blueprint. So says Arlene R. Barro, Ph.D., president and CEO of barro global search, inc., and author of WIN Without Competing! Career Success the Right Fit Way (www.WinWithoutCompeting.com). “The standard but so-often unsuccessful system of comparing candidates leads to hiring—and then firing—the wrong person because the employers pay too little attention in the first place to how well the candidate matches the position and the institutional culture of the organization,” she says.

‘Right Fit’ Means Greater Efficiency
Barro created a system that she tested and proved that she calls the “Right Fit Method” to select candidates. “In the Right Fit Method, we forget about the ‘best’ and focus instead on finding the perfect match,” she says. This enables employers to “hire candidates faster, significantly reducing hiring mistakes, and eliminating the need to fire or repeat searches because the wrong-fit person was hired.”

Create Weighted Standards To Determine Fit
Before HR professionals can determine whether a candidate is the right fit, they need to know specifically what they are looking for, according to Barro. After meeting with managers to determine the “specs” of the candidate, she recommends creating The Blended Blueprint for the Right Fit Candidate™*, a set of weighted standards—typically five to seven—that an employer uses to evaluate candidates. Each standard contains one category and descriptive criteria.
Standards vary by employer, but experience is one category.

Barro cautions against focusing on the years of experience a candidate has. Instead, look at the candidate’s achievements, which are the criteria.
“Experience in and of itself means nothing. It doesn’t tell you what the person has achieved,” says Dr. Barro. Education is another category that can be turned into a standard. Incorporate education if absolutely needed (e.g., M.D. or Ph.D.), but keep in mind that there are times when a candidate’s achievements are more important than level of education, she says.
Once the standards for a particular position have been identified, they need to be weighted. “Weight each standard to indicate its importance. Be sure not to weight all of them the same,” Dr. Barro says. “All the standards weighted together should total 100 percent.”
“With The Blended Blueprint™, the goal is not to describe the position but to create the standards of the right fit candidate,” Barro explains.
She recommends sharing the blueprint with candidates, inviting them to explain in writing how they match it, and selecting a candidate for an extensive telephone interview.
At the end of that interview, those involved can decide whether to invite the candidate in for an in-person interview— on the basis of how well the candidate matches the blueprint.
Tips to Consider
She offers the following advice for hiring the right-fit candidate:
• Think long term. “It will take time to create The Blended Blueprint™ because HR professionals must probe managers to figure out what the manager is looking for,” Barro says. However, “it pays to spend time upfront to figure out the right fit rather than to hire, fire, and rehire.”
• Get management buy-in. Explain that finding the right fit will help reduce turnover and ensure that the company is hiring the right person for the job—rather than the most qualified among a pool of applicants.

WIN Without Competing!
Career Success the Right Fit Way

by Arlene R. Barro, PhD

Book Review from NurseWeek/Nursing Spectrum, March 24, 2008: 36

WIN Without Competing! is more than a self-help book; it’s a clear path to personal and professional success. Barro, an educational psychologist, consultant, and career coach, believes in the Right Fit Method, a strategic, creative, one-ofa- kind system that works. The author’s method of success eliminates competition by allowing candidates to develop and focus on their own personal goals, which in turn leads them to finding the perfect match. “Never discuss why you’re the best person for the job,” Barro says. “Instead concentrate on matching your skills and training with the company’s needs.” This unique, innovative book, full of practical
advice and recruiting tips, is written in easy-to-follow text with bulleted sidebars. The pages are filled with personal stories of people who have succeeded using Barro’s Right Fit Method, including Patti Rager, RN, MSN, MBA, whose career journey from hospital nurse to chair of Nursing Spectrum can’t help but inspire and empower nurses everywhere. WIN Without Competing, which was nominated for an 800-CEO-READ Business Book Award in 2007, is a “must read” for employers, employees, entrepreneurs, and anyone in the market for a new job
or career.

Win Without Competing! Career Success the Right Fit Way
By Arlene R. Barro, PhD
Sterling, VA: Capital Book, Inc. [ISBN: 978-1-933102-38-2].

Book Review from The Business Journal of Hispanic Research, December 2007: 122-123

Reviewed by George F. Marron, PhD
School of Management, Marist College

The importance of knowing yourself well in order to develop a "balanced core identity" is a crucial step in learning how to present that identity as your "personal brand."

       A continuing theme that Arlene R. Barro, PhD discusses throughout Win Without Competing!: Career Success the Right Fit Way is that the concept of a single and identifiable “best” of anything is the wrong mindset to have. She discusses that “best is utterly dependent on related criteria”. As a result, she talks about not concerning herself about which position is “best” for a candidate, or which candidate is “best” for an employer. She focuses on standards or criteria in finding The Right Fit, and finding an “exquisite fit between employer and candidate-like the interlocking pieces of a puzzle”.

       Dr. Barro follows these opening comments with an easy to read, well organized “Drama in Four Acts” that provides a wonderful way to look at your professional (and personal) life.
The Four Acts are:
1. Setting the Stage
2. How The Right Fit Method Works
3. Apply The Right Fit Method
4. The Right Fit Method and You.

       The first three chapters fall within “Setting the Stage”. In these chapters she discusses completing a “blueprint” of the open position when looking for the perfect match. The idea of eliminating comparison to others, hence eliminating competition with others is introduced. This will lead to a mindset of finding “the perfect match”. The need to be reflective (and honest) about yourself is emphasized, which leads to the need to identify your “core identity” and “personal brand”. These lead to developing the “package to pitch”,
while managing the process and understanding the “calculated close”.

       Reading the proceeding paragraph may give the reader the impression that this book is just a lot of “catch phrases”. It is much more than that. There are many catchy phrases that help to drive the main points, but there also is much substance explaining the details behind the phrases, and how many of them were developed. A very strong aspect of the book is the many storytellers who relate their backgrounds and experiences with the Right Fit Method.

       As I read over my notes I see the phrases “constantly closing”, “make no assumptions”, “small changes come first” and “rigidity is the enemy of creativity”. These phrases now have very different meanings in my mind than prior to reading this book. I now find myself reviewing some of my daily habits and how I interact with many of the people around me.

       As the book moves into Act Two we learn “How The Right Fit Method Works”. The importance of knowing yourself well in order to develop a “balanced core identity” is a crucial step in learning how to present that identity as your “personal brand”. The emphasis is on focusing on outcomes and developing a right fit resume as you shape, sell and share your brand. Another phrase that has new meaning to me is “constantly closing consistently” as part of the idea of finishing the deal before it’s done as part of “the calculated close”.

       The next act is “Apply The Right Fit Method” and takes us through many potential scenarios that may occur in your career. One important skill that is discussed in numerous parts of the book is the idea of “probing” and the importance of it in learning more information about any situation. Again, the emphasis is on competing with yourself and not against others, as well as the importance to “anticipate, articulate and act”. Reminders such as to “focus on the end result and not your ego” also drive the key points in this section.

       The final act is “The Right Fit Method and You” and shows how this method is truly an approach to life and a tool to “find the road to happiness”. In this last chapter Dr. Barro discusses how The Right Fit Method can be used to insure personal happiness as well as being happy and satisfied in your career. Of course, being happy and satisfied in your personal life also strongly impacts the ability of someone to properly utilize this entire process.

       As anyone who has gone through the process of either voluntarily or, especially, involuntarily changing employers or changing careers knows it is not an easy or painless process. There is much time spent questioning past decisions, having self doubts and focusing on flaws instead of strengths. After reading this book, I can imagine that having Arlene Barro available to aid and assist in this process would not only be extremely comforting, but very fruitful in the final

       I believe that Dr. Barro has crafted a book that clearly explains her process, provides inspirational examples and many excellent tools. Self analysis checklists, journals and worksheets can help a reader instantly start the Right Fit Method. There is also a website that supports the book (www.winwithoutcompeting.com). Of course, what is missing from the process is the objective consultant who can help us through the tough choices and negotiate that final employment package for us.

       Win Without Competing!: Career Success the Right Fit Way is a book that possibly could aid some people in life changing revelations about themselves. For others, I believe that it can be a very useful blueprint to make significant, positive improvements in their careers. Finally, I have a feeling that it might also increase the number of people seeking out Arlene Barro for personal consulting/coaching.